Selency es un mercado en línea de las piezas más bellas y exclusivas de mobiliario y decoración vintage. Brocantelab nació en 2014 de la mano de Charlotte Cadé y Maxime Brousse, una pareja francesa cuya pasión es el diseño de interiores y el emprendimiento, y se rebautizó como Selency en 2016 para dar servicio a los mercados de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido. El objetivo era crear una tienda vintage en línea que facilitara a compradores y diseñadores el acceso a algunas de las piezas más deseadas del mercado. Detrás de esta aventura vintage hay una filosofía ecológica que impulsa el desarrollo del negocio en todos los sentidos. Estas son sólo algunas de las muchas razones por las que esta tienda vintage en línea está prosperando.
El mercado online de Selency tiene todo lo que necesitas para darle un lavado de cara a tu hogar. Desde percheros hasta lavabos, tienen todo tipo de muebles. Tanto si quieres sentarte en un taburete como en un sofá, ¡encontrarás toda la gama de asientos! Si quieres una simple lámpara de mesa para iluminar o una lámpara de araña en cada habitación, Selency lo tiene todo. Esta tienda vintage en línea también tiene una fantástica selección de utensilios de cocina, desde teteras hasta cubiertos, y toda una sección de cosas para niños.
Los compradores del mercado online de Selency tienen mucho donde elegir. Más de 3.000 vendedores individuales anuncian sus productos en esta plataforma y los compradores pueden ponerse en contacto con ellos directamente si están interesados en artículos específicos. Las nuevas ofertas se actualizan constantemente, ofreciendo a los compradores algunos artículos increíbles a precios reducidos, todo en un mismo sitio. El personal de Selency presta mucha atención a los artículos que aparecen en el sitio, por lo que los compradores pueden estar seguros de que se trata de artículos de alta calidad en todo momento. Dicen que no son elitistas, ¡sólo selectivos!
Los vendedores que se unen al mercado online de artículos vintage de Selency tienen garantizada una audiencia de millones de personas para sus productos, lo que en sí mismo es una razón suficiente para publicar artículos vintage en esta plataforma. No hay que pagar nada por publicar artículos en este mercado, sólo se paga una comisión por los artículos que se venden, que es del 15% para los vendedores profesionales. Selency también incluye un servicio de entrega gratuito para los vendedores, ¡lo que elimina mucho estrés del proceso de venta!
Selency ofrece apoyo tanto a compradores como a vendedores en cada paso del proceso, lo que da confianza a todos los que utilizan su tienda vintage en línea. Los nuevos vendedores son siempre bienvenidos y se añaden nuevos productos casi a diario. Es un lugar estupendo para encontrar inspiración para la decoración de tu hogar.
9th octubre 2022 en 19:15Do not order from Selency! Their customer service for obtaining refunds for broken/defective items is completely ineffective; I have been waiting over 2 months to receive a refund for a lamp that arrived bent and electrocuted me! Also I’ve discovered that their policy for inspecting items upon receipt for such issues runs counter to what the French Post offices allow.
After this lamp electrocuted me – and shut all the power off in my house – I contacted Selency and they said that they would hold the seller’s payment and that the seller would reach out to me and have me mail the lamp back at the seller’s cost, after which I would receive my refund. A representative of the seller contacted me the next day; I explained to him what happened, and he apologized for the incident and instructed me to NOT send the lamp back and asked if I had a picture of the box it arrived in. I told him I did not because the post office did not allow me to take pictures inside the station, YET Selency’s policy is to immediately open the package and if the item is broken, to reject it and have it sent back through the same delivery service. So I explained to the seller that the post office in my French village is very small, and there were many people waiting in line, so I quickly unwrapped a part of package and the bottom of the lamp looked ok so I took the rest of the package home. After unwrapping it completely at home, I discovered that the lamp arm was bent and that it was dangerous – probably a defective ground in the lamp but it could have killed me. The seller’s representative said he would get me a refund; after 2+ weeks, no refund after which I reached out to him again and he said that he would not be able to get me a refund until the Post office’s insurance paid the seller for defective delivery and that this might take “some time”. A few weeks later, I reached out to him again, and he reported no progress because without a picture of the box’s condition upon arrival to me, they had little leverage with the French Post office. He then asked that I send the lamp back so his boss would have proof of defect and not think that I was keeping what might be a good lamp AND the refund. Clearly, the mutual trust was starting to erode. The representative provided me with the address but not a mailing label. I told him that I was not going to spend more of my money to mail the lamp back at my cost unless it guaranteed me my refund. No response.
That’s when I reached back out to Selency to help resolve this, providing them the history above. All I got was a similar response – that the lamp left the seller in working order etc. and because I did not have a picture of the package on arrival, the seller could not get their refund from the French Post Office and thus the seller would lose their money – never once thinking about me losing MY money, much less my life! Selency does not appear to care about this. So as a last straw, I offered a compromise resolution to both Selency and the seller: That I would not pay my money to ship the lamp back, and that I be refunded HALF the amount so that the seller and I equally share the costs of this unfortunate incident. Again, no response from Selency or the seller.
In the end, all transactions are about trust, and in this case Selency chose to totally trust the seller’s word and not provide me with any. Selency and the seller have basically stolen my money! I feel exploited and taken advantage of and as an architect, I will let all my colleagues and designers know both in France and in America and England to NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM/THROUGH SELENCY! As to the lamp, I’m throwing it out so that it does never electrocutes anyone else again.
If I could give ZERO STARS here, I would.