El condado de Kane, Illinois, es un pintoresco municipio con un rico valor histórico, una escapada privilegiada para los amantes de la naturaleza con sus reservas, rutas de senderismo y parques nacionales. Con sus vastos espacios abiertos y su conservación histórica, es un lugar privilegiado para el mercadillo del condado de Kane. En el recinto ferial se reúnen los cazadores de gangas, los buscadores de tesoros o los que buscan una escapada de fin de semana.
Una vez al mes, de marzo a diciembre, el Rastro del Condado de Kane llena hasta 1.000 puestos y reúne cifras récord de hasta 30.000 visitantes. No es de extrañar por qué es uno de los mercadillos favoritos de Estados Unidos, y por qué ha sido destacado en publicaciones en línea (como Jet Setters Magazine y Conde Nast).
Este mercadillo comenzó como una idea de Helen Robinson hace más de 45 años y ha crecido exponencialmente durante las últimas cuatro generaciones. Trabajando en colaboración con sus clientes y comerciantes, los organizadores de este rastro han conseguido ofrecer algo realmente especial a todos y cada uno de los visitantes.
Entre los artículos especiales que se venden en el Rastro del Condado de Kane figuran muebles antiguos y objetos de valor patrimonial. Dichos artículos van desde comedores de los años 50 hasta mesas boticario escandinavas, cómodas y credenzas hechas a mano en los años 60.
Sin embargo, los vendedores que acuden a este encuentro también venden chucherías para los novatos en los mercadillos. Por lo tanto, está en el lugar adecuado si busca accesorios (gafas de sol, bolsos, sombreros), libros (primeras ediciones, clásicos, libros de texto) joyas (pulseras, reliquias, anillos de ánimo) o incluso obras de arte (obras de coleccionista, arte pop) y discos de vinilo vintage. El Rastro del Condado de Kane lo tiene todo: cientos de comerciantes y visitantes se disputan tesoros y cursilerías en abundancia. Los críticos afirman que los mejores precios se encuentran aquí mismo, en el Rastro del Condado de Kane.
Quienes visiten el mercadillo también encontrarán en los alrededores restaurantes y puestos de comida para saciar el hambre. Bratwursts, perritos calientes y pizzas abundan en el recinto ferial del Rastro. Y no nos olvidemos de los puestos de té y limonada. Para los más golosos, Ingrish's Pastries sirve galletas, pasteles y café.
Guy Glover
31st julio 2015 en 12:58Always so much to see and such friendly merchants. Definitely recommend a visit to anyone who enjoys flea markets.
Renee Cook
9th diciembre 2015 en 20:22Whenever I’m in need of a few new coupe glasses, some fun vintage wares, or just a day away from the rush of the city, I try to make it out to the Kane County Flea Market. Great prices, huge pickles, and I always come with a few awesome finds. It is a bit of a haul but oh so worth it!
Ann Fleming
29th junio 2016 en 16:31A fantastic experience!!! An eclectic group of dealers and items available for your viewing (and purchasing) pleasure. A bargain or that hard to find item sure to be found! One of the best flea markets in the country.
Bob housermen
1st julio 2018 en 19:59A few goodbuys but…I was away for 14 yrs and it’s gone down hill. Not a top 10 Market as they boast by any stretch. For 25yrs I’ve been to flea markets across the globe. Kane County Flea Market unfortunately now allows vendors selling new products from China. Its entrance for parking at peak hours is the slowest we’ve come across. Food vendors are limited and not interesting or very good. Craft venders almost outnumber flea venders. Center area (spoke shape) is confusing and annoying to navigate. In all our visits, didn’t see any runners moving large purchases to cars or a transport service (I don’t think they offer it as all the top markets do). Admittance cost is a tad high for what’s offered. Vendors cost for selling is overpriced and should be reduced to encourage flea vendors to come fill the areas. They need to attract quality food venders with a seating area and shaded seating area at that. 12 noon opening for buyers to start on Saturday is a terrible start time. A/C area sellers are mostly way overpriced. Barns are overcrowded with little area to walk. Open area sellers tend to be the best deals. Who ever is in charge of Kane County Flea Market is doing a very poor job. While we would like to go more often, the hot noon opening, distance and difficulty navigating have us reconsider other choices for the weekend.
Steven Helis
9th septiembre 2020 en 20:34Me & a friend came to set up last Sat. We paid our fee at the unreserved gate. 2 of the staff told us it was OK to set up where parked. We unloaded our equip. & wares. Then a man came & told us that we had to move because we had to be 9 paces away from the next vendor. We had already unloaded our stuff & I had already parked my vehicle. He told us to move down a space. Unfortunately the vendor facing the other road had already taken up half the space they wanted us to move to. My buddy carried his goods, coal fired forge,anvil ,&tables he borrowed from me down the road to another spot.. After loading my stuff back up I didn’t unload again. I don’t feel I should have had to unload,load,unload & set up again because the flea market staff put us in the wrong place to begin with. I believe I should be refunded a portion if not all of my set up fee. because of the staffs incompetence.
20th mayo 2022 en 16:49Go every month to Kane county and love love love it. I can always find something I love to buy. It has gotten where I have to go there the first weekend of the month to get my supply of roasted nuts and homemade doggie cookies. There is plants and love that there is antiques and crafts . Have been going for 4 years . Noticed this year not alot of vendors yet hopefully because of the weather.