Creada en 2004, la Venta de Yard de la Carretera Nacional Histórica en la US 40 se extiende a lo largo de más de 800 millas por el corazón de "Main Street of America" desde Maryland hasta Missouri. Esta carretera de circunvalación de 200 años de antigüedad muestra la belleza del país desde las estribaciones de los montes Apalaches hasta el emblemático Arco Gateway de San Luis. Impregnada del legado de los pioneros del oeste, la US 40 Yard Sale es un sendero que invita a explorar a los entusiastas de las antigüedades.
El Historic National Road Yard Sale atrae a miles de visitantes. Según algunos informes, el evento anual atrae a decenas de miles de personas. Sin embargo, las multitudes se dispersan por los seis estados miembros. La venta suele comenzar el miércoles siguiente al Día de los Caídos y dura cinco días. Como muchos mercadillos de carretera, los vendedores están abiertos desde el amanecer hasta el anochecer. Si bien los madrugadores pueden elegir lo que más les guste, los más rezagados pueden encontrar mejores ofertas.
Sin embargo, las posibilidades son tan amplias como la carretera. Los visitantes descubrirán de todo, desde antigüedades y objetos vintage hasta chucherías comunes de venta de garaje. Entre los productos que se pueden encontrar están muebles y utensilios de cocina primitivos, así como ropa y parches bordados de estilo retro. Sólo en uno de los condados participantes hay un circuito de 66 millas con más de 1200 anticuarios conocido como "Antique Alley.
Además de antigüedades y objetos de colección de calidad, los residentes y las organizaciones comunitarias instalan puestos a lo largo de la ruta. El resultado es beneficioso para todos. La mercancía puede ser un surtido impredecible de artículos de lujo y asequibles. Los visitantes pueden encontrar reliquias junto a baratijas de tiendas de segunda mano. La artesanía también abarca toda la gama, desde intrincados trabajos en cuero hasta joyas y abalorios.
Una ventaja especial del mercadillo de la Historic National Road es la oportunidad de pernoctar en posadas clásicas. Por ejemplo, albergues rústicos de propiedad familiar y moteles kitsch salpican los arcenes de la carretera US 40. Dondequiera que descansen los viajeros, kilómetros de antigüedades harán las delicias de coleccionistas de todas partes.
24th febrero 2021 en 16:17The 18th Anniversary of the National Road Yard Sale Festival will be held June 2nd to 6th 2021 – over 800 miles! The Festival was independently created for each community along the National Road to showcase what makes them unique. Past events have drawn in thousands of people to the old pike towns. It is a great way for local residents on the National Road to make extra money, and promote businesses and tourism. Success on the event relies solely on businesses and vendors, as well as people on the National Road to have yard sales to make this an ongoing event! Antiques, furniture, fresh garden produce, glassware and collectibles, and in some locations Amish treats will be available during the sale.
The National Road, in many places known as Route US 40, was built between 1811 and 1834 to reach the western settlements. It was also the first federally funded road in U.S. history, and stretches from Baltimore to St. Louis. The yard sale provides travelers with the opportunity to explore the many attractions on the «Road that Built The Nation,» such as the James Whitcomb Riley Museum in Greenfield, Huddleston Farmhouse Inn Museum in Cambridge City, and the Zane-Grey National Road Museum in Norwich, Ohio. Many people plan future vacations around their yard sale experiences.
9th junio 2021 en 01:12What cities is yard sale in Ohio is one of them closer St Mary’s
21st marzo 2022 en 23:09GREAT event! June 1=5th 2022
Patricia McDaniel
31st marzo 2022 en 00:04The Historic National Road Yard Sale extends for 824 miles from St. Louis to Baltimore along the Historic National Road also known as UUS 40. This iconic event will be held from June 1-5, 2022 from Dawn Till Dusk. NOTE: for future yard sale aficionados the yard sale is always held the FIRST Wednesday after Memorial Day.
Not a yard sale fan? Then you might enjoy simply meandering along America’s first interstate, sampling local food truck morsels, (think an oversized well dressed deep fried breaded tenderloin), visiting a local restaurant (think a slice of sugar cream pie which is also Indiana’s state pie), kibitzing with local history buffs, perusing small town antique shops, purchasing a Chriistmas gift at a specialty store, or spending a night or two in a bed and breakfast inclusive of classic architecture, or stopping to visit with Mr. Boos, akka the CEO/Canine Executive Officer of the Historic National Road Yard Sale!!
Speaking of Mr. Boos, he resides with his human, Patricia McDaniel, in the hamlet of Dublin, Indiana. This is the official headquarters of the Historic National Road Yard Sale which originated eighteen years ago way back in 2004.
There have never been any stirpes attached to the Historic National Road Yard Sale. There has never been a committee or official organization since the yard sale’s inception. It’s definitely no fun allocating two to three hours the third Wednesday of each month recounting two or three hours of last month’s meeting!! Each individual or organization on US 40 should be lauded for their contribution to making the Historic National Road Yard Sale a resounding success!!
Donna Tauber
26th abril 2022 en 06:11The 19th Anniversary of the National Road Yard Sale Festival will be held June 1st to June 5th, 2022. The event began in 2003 when Donna Tauber was President of the Indiana National Road Association, as a way to promote tourism and local businesses along the historic route. The first year it was limited to Indiana, but nearby states caught on quickly that there was money and fun to be had. Treasure hunters were not disappointed! With the help of tourism bureaus, newspapers, TV news, social media and word of mouth, the National Road Yard Sale event is now held annually the first Wednesday after Memorial Day though the following Sunday in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland.
The National Road, in many places known as Route US 40, was built between 1811 and 1834 to reach the western settlements. It was also the first federally funded road in U.S. history, and stretches from Baltimore to St. Louis. The yard sale provides travelers with the opportunity to explore the many attractions on the «Road that Build The Nation,» such as the National Road Interpretive Center in Vandalia Illinois, James Whitcomb Riley Museum in Greenfield, Indiana, historic Uniontown in Pennsylvania, and the Zane-Grey National Road Museum in Norwich, Ohio. Many people plan future vacations around their yard sale experiences to return and tour these attractions.
Tauber says that the goal of the sale is to have each community participate to make the event one long festival along the route. The yard sale festival is an opportunity to showcase the old pike towns, and past sales have drawn in thousands of people to the areas. It is also a great way for local residents to make extra money, while promoting tourism. Success of this event relies solely on people and vendors to set up sales and participate. Antiques, furniture, fresh garden produce, glassware and collectibles, roadside treasures, and in some locations Amish treats are available during the sale.
Sales vary during the time span with a few beginning a few days early on Memorial Day. Many community events take place on Friday and Saturday – but either way it is an awesome opportunity for people to visit the National Road and also check out the many historic sites, as well as unique stores and restaurants.
For more information contact coordinators Donna Tauber 765-987-7565 or Kim Couch 765-969-7593, or visit the official Facebook page “Historic National Road Yard Sale – US 40 Sales.” For more information on the National Road and to view maps go to