Desde antigüedades, objetos de colección, herramientas manuales antiguas, ropa y decoración para el hogar, hasta productos frescos, carnes y quesos, el Hartville MarketPlace es una experiencia de compra que hay que ver para creer. No es de extrañar que este mercado, que comenzó como una subasta de ganado local en 1939, se haya convertido en uno de los mercadillos y mercados más grandes de Ohio y en un verdadero paraíso para los coleccionistas de antigüedades.
El Hartville MarketPlace está unido al mercadillo del mismo nombre. Se trata de un edificio interior de dos plantas, con calefacción y aire acondicionado, que alberga más de 110 tiendas individuales durante todo el año. Tenga en cuenta que el MarketPlace interior sólo alberga tres tiendas de "antigüedades" de modesto interés, pero que merece la pena visitar.
Sin embargo, el punto fuerte del MarketPlace reside en la variedad de productos alimenticios que allí se venden: productos frescos, carnes, quesos, productos de panadería, chocolates, palomitas de maíz, frutas y verduras, miel local, frutos secos recién tostados y café... ¡lo que se te ocurra!
El MarketPlace de Hartville tiene algo para todos los gustos y ofrece todo tipo de productos de temporada a precios más bajos que en las tiendas de comestibles. Los visitantes que busquen productos locales sabrosos pueden pasarse horas y horas recorriendo las diferentes tiendas y puestos.
Y lo mejor de todo es que los productos alimenticios son frescos, abundantes y a precios muy razonables, mientras que todos los propietarios de las tiendas son amables y acogedores.
Jane Wilson
5th junio 2015 en 16:15We enjoyed Hartville flea market. It was probably one of the cleanest flea market we have been to thanks to their paved parking lots. No dust flying around everywhere. There were a lot of unique finds.
Catherine Turner
22nd julio 2015 en 04:56There are lots of indoor vendors with new items, antiques, meat market, cheese, snacks, etc. It is a clean market, but nothing exciting. Outdoors they have a large vegetable market where you can always get good buys and in the parking lot vendors set up an old time flea market with used items. Nice way to spend some time, but not much out of the ordinary.
Brandon Jackson
25th diciembre 2015 en 20:36If you live close by, and have time to kill, there is enough variety to make it minimally interesting. However we only saw a couple «above average» vendors in the whole place… one with nursery products; shrubs, bushes, flowers… and one with some great antiques. But most of the farm products didn’t appear to be local and nearly everything was overpriced. In all fairness, there are some permanent shop (inside) that have good selection, and offer some out of the ordinary products. Worth a re-visit around the holidays for that reason.
Mary Barnes
9th febrero 2016 en 02:37Love this place!!! Fresh produce for fantastic prices. Can fill two large shopping bags with produce for under $20!! And who doesn’t love flea markets?!
John Ward
30th marzo 2016 en 22:36This is a highly organized, clean, well maintained retail shopping area. Most of the dealers are either regulars with a leased indoor location or rented outdoor space. Most of the regular season is kind of bland with specialty shops and food sales, but they do have holiday specials that draw casual dealers (in nearly everything). That’s when it becomes a flea market. In summer, there are are some independent produce and garden sales in their weekday markets. Be prepared for diversity of merchandise – it ain’t all tube socks. We go with regularity in summer — and less frequently in winter. Opinions about the restaurant/snack bar operation vary greatly – that doesn’t seem a bargain.
Jason Baker
21st junio 2016 en 16:02I eat and shop there during my annual summer visits to Ohio. All of their products are made or grown with good ole fashion Love, care and consideration. Amish people rock in my book. Their traditions and customs may be different than yours, so what, Love and Tolerance of others is the key.